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Brother Hoddies in Grey

$38.50 $40.00
Cart Product

Basic Jogging Shorts

$14.50 $18.00
Cart Product

Enjoy The Rest T-Shirt

$20.00 $21.00
Subtotal 220$

Standard Features

Battery and cables
Electronic battery charger
Fuel tank integrated into the chassis
Flexible fuel hoses and oil drain valve
Electrostatic powder painted chassis manufactured from steel sheet welded
Cabinet design with stainless galvanized sheet

Standby Power Prime Power Dimensions Without Cab Cabin Dimensions
Model Pdf KvA Kw Amper KvA Kw Amper G (mm) U (mm) Y (mm) Weight (kg) G (mm) U (mm) Y (mm) Weight (kg)
ABJ 20

20 16 29 18 15 26 1000 1500 1200 750 1000 1850 1300 950
ABJ 25

25 20 36 23 18 33 1000 1500 1200 750 1000 1850 1300 950
ABJ 35

35 28 51 32 25 46 1000 1700 1250 800 1000 2150 1500 1000
ABJ 44

44 35 64 40 32 58 1000 1700 1250 800 1000 2150 1500 1000
ABJ 50

50 40 72 45 36 66 1000 1900 1250 800 1000 2350 1600 1000
ABJ 55

55 44 79 50 40 72 1000 1900 1250 800 1000 2350 1600 1000
ABJ 72

72 58 104 65 52 94 1100 2300 1350 1150 1100 2750 1700 1500
ABJ 90

90 72 130 82 65 118 1100 2300 1350 1250 1100 2750 1700 1600
ABJ 120

120 96 173 110 87 158 1100 2600 1400 1400 1100 3050 1700 1750
ABJ 150

150 120 216 135 108 194 1100 2600 1450 1450 1100 3050 1700 1800
ABJ 165

165 132 238 150 120 216 1100 2600 1450 1650 1100 3050 1700 2050
ABJ 220

220 176 317 200 160 288 1300 3000 1600 1850 1300 3450 2000 2200
ABJ 250

250 200 360 230 184 330 1300 3000 1600 1900 1300 3450 2000 2250
ABJ 275

275 220 396 250 200 360 1300 3000 1650 1950 1300 3450 2000 2300
ABJ 350

350 280 506 320 255 460 1600 3400 1650 2300 1600 3400 2200 2650
ABJ 385

385 308 554 350 280 504 1600 3400 1950 2450 1600 3400 2200 2850
ABJ 440

440 352 634 400 320 576 1600 3400 1950 2500 1600 3400 2200 2900
ABJ 550

550 440 792 500 400 720 1800 3900 2050 3650 1800 3900 2500 4050
ABJ 640

640 512 922 582 466 838 1900 4200 2350 4750 1900 4200 2350 4750
ABJ 660

660 528 950 600 480 864 1900 4200 2100 4900 1900 4200 2500 5400
ABJ 715

715 572 1030 650 520 936 1900 4200 2100 4950 1900 4200 2500 5450
ABJ 750

750 600 1084 680 545 985 1900 4200 2100 4950 1900 4200 2500 5450
ABJ 825

825 660 1188 750 600 1080 2000 4400 2400 6550 2000 4400 2650 7650
ABJ 900

900 720 1296 815 652 1173 2100 5200 2400 6760 2100 5200 2750 7860
ABJ 1000

1000 800 1440 900 720 1296 2100 5200 2400 7040 2100 5200 2750 8140
ABJ 1100

1100 880 1584 1020 816 1468 2100 5200 2400 7200 2100 5200 2750 8300
ABJ 1250

1250 1000 1800 1150 920 1656 2350 5200 2500 8120 2350 5200 2950 9220
ABJ 1400

1400 1120 2016 1250 1000 1800 2300 5500 2500 8450 2440 9150 3000 9550
ABJ 1500

1500 1200 2168 1375 1091 1971 2300 5500 2500 8450 2440 9150 3000 9550